parallel ART
After receiving his BS Arch from the University of Illinois, Wallo worked in Zurich, Switzerland, at architectural firm E2A (Eckert Eckert Architekten). Currently Wallo works at the branding and design studio Someoddpilot and is the director and curator of Public Works Gallery. Prior to arriving in Chicago, Cyril worked at Work Architec¬ture Company in New York City and at L’AUC in Paris. He holds a Masters of Architecture with distinction from the Na- tional Superior School of Architecture in Versailles.
Cyril Marsollier & Wallo Villacorta were awarded first prize for their Prentice reuse design for “Future Prentice,” the 2012 Chicago Prize Competition sponsored by the Chicago Architectural Club. Originally from Paris, France, and Lima, Peru, respectively, Cyril & Wallo are currently based in Chicago. Their architectural practice seeks to attain an understanding of the city through its by-products and artifacts.
Extracted from the Parallel Magazine Volume III, courtesy of Public Gallery (Chicago, Ill)